Prepare for the BIGGEST UPDATE in the history of FRAG!
But first, I want to let you all know that there will be a Livestream tomorrow (Wednesday 27th) at 5PM UTC / 10AM EST to showcase the new update! Stay tuned!
Usually, I'd talk about the new Fraggers first... but instead I'll focus on something you've all been waiting for since we first announced it: the new Map is finally here!

It took us several months to get there, but we've finally created a whole new map designed for sustained encounters and new strategies!
Wanna play on the new map? You can access it in the Events tab, as the New Map Discovery Event! Upon entering, all of your cards will be put to level 9 and you won't risk losing any trophies! Play this Event until December 15th to collect amazing rewards!

If you want to see some footage of the new map already, check this out!
And now, for the new Fraggers: Blot and General Mekk!

BLOT is a Rare WILD character who can turn into a puddle of ink to quickly travel on the map while being invulnerable but unable to attack as well!
GENERAL MEKK is an Epic ATTACK character who can deploy a drone to slow down and weaken his enemies!
Both of them are available starting from Arena 8, so I hope you have lots of fun trying them out!
As you're all aware, the 1.5.1 update reverted a lot of changes from previous updates due to concerns with the game's performance on various levels. With the 1.5.2 update, we're pleased to announce the return of some of those reverted changes, including:
Skins now provide bonus gold once again!
Suicides are now visible in the death feed
Gift codes are back, as well as Friend QR codes
Quick character selection on the map is back
Trophy win/losses have been adjusted
Event rewards have been improved
Some special offers are back
We hope you'll celebrate the return of those features!
But the 1.5.2 version isn't only about old features returning, it's about new features as well!
Behold: the TROPHY ROAD!

First things first, you might have noticed the number of trophies required to enter each Arena has been lowered! Here are the new values:
Arena 2 is now accessible from 300 Trophies (down from 400)
Arena 3 is now accessible from 600 Trophies (down from 800)
Arena 4 is now accessible from 1000 Trophies (down from 1400)
Arena 5 is now accessible from 1300 Trophies (down from 2000)
Arena 6 is now accessible from 1600 Trophies (down from 2600)
Arena 7 is now accessible from 2000 Trophies (down from 3200)
Arena 8 is now accessible from 2300 Trophies (down from 4000)
Arena 9 is now accessible from 2600 Trophies (down from 5000)
Arena 10 is now accessible from 3200 Trophies (down from 6500)
Our objective with this change is to make our vast selection of Fraggers easier to obtain for players climbing through arenas so that they can enjoy trying out new squadmates every so often!
On top of this, starting from 4000 Trophies, you will be able to access Leagues! Climb through Leagues up to 10 000 Trophies to get amazing rewards on the way there!
The Season Reset now affects only Trophies above 4000, and you'll only lose 50% of those!
For instance:
if, at the end of a Season, you have 6000 Trophies, you will only lose 1000 Trophies, aka (6000-4000)/2, and will start the new Season with 5000 Trophies.
if, at the end of a Season, you have 9600 Trophies, you will only lose 2800 Trophies, aka (9600 - 4000)/2, and will start the new Season with 6800 Trophies.
if, at the end of a Season, you have less than 4000 Trophies, you will not lose any Trophies.
HOWEVER, if, at the end of a Season, you have over 10 000 Trophies, you will be reset to 7000 Trophies.
You probably also noticed that the Trophy Road is paved with amazing rewards, including but not limited to: Coins, Diamonds, a choice of cards to pick from, and a new Skin currency!
Climbing has never been more rewarding, so get ready to FRAG like never before!
Speaking of which... Skins now use a new currency, Skin Coins, instead of Diamonds!
There are many ways to obtain Skin Coins: raising your FRAG Meta Score, obtaining them in the new Season Pass, completing Quests, etc!

This leads me to our next point: the Season Pass has been revamped!

Our new Season Pass renews itself every month and is very generous with the rewards it gives, both to free users and players who acquire it!
But that's not all! The Season Pass also grants unique perks to its owner!

Needless to say, we hope this new Season Pass makes a lot of people happy!
In an effort to allow players to access Fraggers more easily, we also tweaked existing Chests!
The Silver and Gold Chests now have two more cards in them
Legendary Cards are a bit more frequent in free Chests
Legendary Chests now allow you to choose between two cards at each draw
NEW: the Fortune Chest guarantees that you'll get 2 cards out of the 4 it offers!
Chests above the Legendary Chest will no longer be offered to players outside of Special Offers, but said Special Offers are now available to a lot more players!
And another thing: Level Up Costs have been reduced while XP Rewards have been increased!

For those who like numbers, here are the new level up Costs per level:
From Level 1 to Level 2: 5 Gold (unchanged)
From Level 2 to Level 3: 20 Gold (down from 50)
From Level 3 to Level 4: 50 Gold (down from 200)
From Level 4 to Level 5: 200 Gold (down from 400)
From Level 5 to Level 6: 400 Gold (down from 1000)
From Level 6 to Level 7: 1000 Gold (down from 2000)
From Level 7 to Level 8: 2000 Gold (down from 4000)
From Level 8 to Level 9: 4000 Gold (down from 8000)
From Level 9 to Level 10: 8000 Gold (down from 20 000)
From Level 10 to Level 11: 20 000 Gold (down from 50 000)
From Level 11 to Level 12: 50 000 Gold (down from 100 000)
From Level 12 to Level 13: 100 000 Gold (down from 250 000)
From Level 13 to Level 14: 250 000 Gold (down from 500 000)
From Level 14 to Level 15: 500 000 Gold (down from 950 000)
From Level 15 to Level 16: 950 000 Gold (down from 2 500 000)
On top of that, leveling up your Fraggers now give you more XP:
From Level 1 to Level 2: 4 XP (up from 2)
From Level 2 to Level 3: 5 XP (up from 4)
From Level 3 to Level 4: 6 XP (up from 5)
From Level 4 to Level 5: 10 XP (up from 6)
From Level 5 to Level 6: 25 XP (up from 10)
From Level 6 to Level 7: 50 XP (up from 25)
From Level 7 to Level 8: 100 XP (up from 50)
From Level 8 to Level 9: 200 XP (up from 100)
From Level 9 to Level 10: 400 XP (up from 200)
From Level 10 to Level 11: 600 XP (up from 400)
From Level 11 to Level 12: 800 XP (up from 600)
From Level 12 to Level 13: 1600 XP (up from 800)
From Level 13 to Level 14: 2400 XP (up from 1600)
From Level 14 to Level 15: 3200 XP (up from 2400)
From Level 15 to Level 16: 4000 XP (up from 3200)
AND your player level is easier to raise up too!
From Level 1 to Level 2: 20 XP (unchanged)
From Level 2 to Level 3: 50 XP (down from 100)
From Level 3 to Level 4: 100 XP (down from 200)
From Level 4 to Level 5: 200 XP (down from 400)
From Level 5 to Level 6: 400 XP (down from 1000)
From Level 6 to Level 7: 1000 XP (down from 2000)
From Level 7 to Level 8: 2000 XP (down from 5000)
From Level 8 to Level 9: 5000 XP (down from 10 000)
From Level 9 to Level 10: 10 000 XP (down from 30 000)
From Level 10 to Level 11: 30 000 XP (down from 40 000)
From Level 11 to Level 12: 40 000 XP (down from 80 000)
From Level 12 to Level 13: 80 000 XP (down from 160 000)
From Level 13 to Level 14: 160 000 XP (down from 320 000)
From Level 14 to Level 15: 240 00 XP
From Level 15 to Level 16: 320 000 XP
And now for some more numbers: let's talk balancing!
We have only one Fragger in our sights this time: Lolly Pop!

Lolly Pop has proven to be a VERY popular Fragger, with her great mobility and damage making her an invaluable asset to any offensive team, especially considering her ability allowed her to share said mobility with her teammates.
We've decided to both reduce her utility and her ability to win duels while maintaining her overall presence consistent, which we hope will allow more room for counterplay in future encounters against her!
Lolly Pop can now only deploy 2 Jellies, down from 3
Jellies can only be used for 2 jumps, down from 3
Increased reload time form 1 to 1.5s
Decreased clip size from 14 to 12
Decreased health from 110 to 100
And last but not least, we have some bug fixes as well!
Fixed inconsistent icons in ability descriptions;
The game should no longer crash if you click the back button on any cinematic scene;
Players should no longer be able to follow AI profiles at the end of a FRAG Tower game;
Fidelio's gun should no longer stop working;
Soldatron should no longer disable the movement pad after activating his ability in first-person use;
Fixed bug where Fraggers could continue to run and shoot while having Bobbler's bubble if they were shielded when being hit by the bubble;
If a player is disconnected from the server, clicking the Battle button will no longer do nothing but will instead let the player know that the game is trying to reconnect to the server;
And one last change I couldn't fit anywhere else: when a player disconnects during a match, they will be replaced by a bot - so their opponent will still be able to play and get a crushing victory for maximum trophies!
That was a lot of changes, right?
As always, feel free to let us know what you think of all those changes! We genuinely hope you'll enjoy this new version of FRAG, ready for 2020!