Hey there! We have a new update coming out of the oven, and as always, it brings exciting new additions to the game, so let's get right into it and see what's special this time! 😍
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New Epic Character → T4NKB0T ⚙️
T4NKB0T is a new Epic card coming with 1.6.6 - and he's ready to take his final form and rule the battlefield left & right... but mostly center! 😅
This Mechanized type is particularly strong against Light targets, shoots bursts of bullets as a main attack, and has the ability to switch into his tank mode to use large missiles and deal extra damage. In this mode, he also gains a health and speed boost.
STATS (lvl.6)
Hitpoints → 270
Damage/Second → 45-90
Speed → 10.7 km/h
Speed while shooting → 5.8 km/h
Respawn Delay → 22 sec
Ammo → 54
Reload Time → 1.9 sec
Fire Rate → 600
Base Damage → 12.0
Weapon Range → 55 m
Cooldown → 15 sec
Duration → 8 sec
As always, you'll be able to try out the new character during 2 Random Draft events, each lasting 3 days.
Friday, Aug 14 → Sunday, Aug 16
Friday, Aug 28 → Sunday, Aug 30
New Game Mode → Street Frag
Update 1.6.6 also brings a new menu right in the main tab, so that you can easily access all game modes.
There you can find our newest game mode, Street Frag!
Street Frag is yet another cool new idea we're introducing, similar to the Regen Challenge, but compared to that one, this is more fast-paced, featuring only ONE target on a smaller map.
Besides that, we'll also have -30% respawn time for all cards, -40% ability cooldown for all cards, and a battle duration of 2 minutes.
The mode will always be available within the menu, but you’ll also have special events during which you can use tickets gained in Street Frag to spin the wheel for free prizes, just like 2v2 Team Battle. These events last for 4 days and will appear every 2 weeks, but only for those who are over level 5.
Saturday, Aug 11 → Tuesday, Aug 14
Saturday, Aug 25 → Tuesday, Aug 28
Saturday, Sept 08 → Tuesday, Sept 11
...and so on!
⚠️ Please note that starting with Update 1.6.6, you'll be able to earn up to 240 trophies per day in 2v2 and Street frag modes, along with chests, gold, and season XP!
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Fixed bug where if Dunkan is in your team he could stay stuck after using his ability and then you couldn't do any damage anymore
Highly reduced the memory usage of the game (to solve instability issues on some IOS devices)
Increased stability of 2v2 and reduced matchmaking time
Fixed leaderboard rewards exploits
Fixed an issue with 2v2 event tickets being kept between successive iterations of the event
Fixed a bug causing the Wall of Fortune to sometimes show skins that aren't available yet
Fixed cinematics from FanBase or Cinema mode sometimes not playing in "Bridges" map and causing visual issues
Fixed rare cases where the tutorial "hand" was showing up and the player got stuck, not being able to tap on anything
Added support for Google Friends via GooglePlay Games (like adding friends from Facebook, but with Google)
Fixed multiple exploits and cheats
Fixed UI bugs on iPad devices
Buck can now spawn 4 barriers at a time with his ability
⚠️ Please note that starting with Update 1.6.6, headshot damage will be reduced by 30% to 20% for all characters. Why? Since the overall meta changed with recent character introductions (which also caused a power creep we're still in the process of fixing by buffing and nerfing cards), we've also noticed that headshot damage reached almost ridiculous levels, causing characters to be completely annihilated even in a matter of 2 hits when suffering headshots.
⚠️ Also note that starting with Update 1.6.6, HP of all characters will be boosted by 10%.
⚠️ Player level to unlock game modes and events have now changed:
2v2 mode and events: level 3 (instead of 2)
Epic Cards events: level 4 (instead of 2)
Street Frag mode and events: level 5
Legendary Cards events: level 6 (instead of 5)
Champion Series: level 7 (instead of 6)
New Character events: level 8 (instead of 7)
That's it for this time, don't forget to share your thoughts in the game, on Discord, or on our channels:
● YouTube → https://youtube.com/c/FRAGProShooterOfficial
● Facebook → https://facebook.com/FRAGTheGame
● Twitter → https://twitter.com/FRAGProShooter
● Instagram → https://instagram.com/stanohbibi