A fresh Frag update is now out, and it brings a brand-new interesting character and lots of improvements!
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New Common Character ā Cipher
In case you missed it, hereās our latest teaser:
Cipher is a new Digital Attack card that's particularly strong against Mechanized targets.

He has fast movement speed, a quick burst fire rate, but a low magazine (8-8-8-reload).

His ability consists of activating a digital wave which slows down enemies, makes them take increased damage, and keeps them from using their abilities for a few seconds!

STATS (level 6)
Hitpoints ā 231
Damage/Second ā 48-71
Speed ā 11.6 km/h
Speed while shooting ā 7.8 km/h
Respawn Delay ā 22 sec
Ammo ā 36
Reload Time ā 1.4 sec
Fire Rate ā 628.6
Base Damage ā 9.0
Weapon Range ā 35 m
Cooldown ā 12 sec
Duration ā 10 sec
Radius ā 30 m
Slow Effect ā x0.5
Damage Bonus ā x1.5
As always, you'll be able to try out the new character during 2 Random Draft events, each lasting 3 days.
"Play with Cipher" dates:
Friday, Sept 11 ā Sunday, Sept 13
Friday, Sept 25 ā Sunday, Sept 27
Cipher will be released in chests on October 4th 2020.
Nerfs & Buffs
Main Gun max ammo from 8 to 6
HP +30%
Ability duration from 7 to 6
Ability heal is fixed value instead of percentage
Ability speed effect only apply to allies
Speed while shooting from 4.8km/h to 7.8km/h
Ability Cooldown from 20 to 16
HP +10%
Speed while shooting from 7.8km/h to 11.6km/h
Speed from 12.6km/h to 13.6km/h
Main Gun damage +30%
Ability stun ball is easier to aim with
Ability damage +15%
Main Gun max ammo from 6 to 4
Main Gun dmg +50%
Dmg reduction -30% during ability
HP +20%
HP +15%
Cooldown decreased on frag: -2s
Decrease reload time from 1.6s to 1.1s
Increase firerate
Speed while shooting from 3.9km/h to 8.7km/h
Main Gun dmg -15%
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Fixed T4NKBOTās hitbox
Fixed a bug that showed duplicated characters during the endgame cinematic
Fixed a bug in the main menu that caused the missions button to change position
Fixed a bug that caused the damage multiplier to not work properly
Fixed the default matchmaking time set to 30s for some users (should be 20s)
Fixed some issues with trophy gains in 2v2
Fixed some issues which could cause new users to be stuck during the tutorial
Fixed an issue where the game wouldnāt be able to reconnect to the server until rebooted
Fixed the cancel button sometimes not working and the user getting stuck in the matchmaking screen forever
Fixed a rare bug where the arena ground is white when starting the game and stays white until changing the arena or rebooting the game
Fixed the Donation medals (bronze, silver etc.) not showing up in the game anymore
Improvements related to disconnecting (Wi-Fi users will now experience fewer disconnects)
Added a timeout to avoid players changing their names too often
Game default quality now set to high or very high on various recent devices (ex: OnePlus 7, Galaxy S20, etc.)
That's it for this time, don't forget to share your thoughts in the game, on Discord, or on our channels!
ā Download FRAG Pro Shooter ā
Discord ā https://discord.gg/2YnJkRf
YouTube ā https://youtube.com/c/FRAGProShooterOfficial
Facebook ā https://facebook.com/FRAGTheGame
Twitter ā https://twitter.com/FRAGProShooter
Instagram ā https://instagram.com/stanohbibi
TikTok ā http://vm.tiktok.com/PBtU4S/