Everything you need to know about FRAG Vol.3 and upcoming challenges!
New Fragger → Shroomy
Shroomy (level 9): Commun
Hitpoints → 751
Damage/Second → 103
Speed → 14.5 km/h Speed while shooting → 11.6 km/h Role → Wildcard
Main Weapon: Spore Sprayer
Spray a cloud of toxic spores at a close range. The spored will damage the targets over time.
Ammo → 6 Weapon range → 20m
Base Damage → 79 every 0.25s
Poison Effect → 19 per second
Fire Rate → 120
Reload Time → 2.3s
Ability: Creeping Mold
Shroomy launches a circle of creeping vegetation that spreads, strengthening and healing allies while damaging enemies.
Ability Cooldown → 12s Base Damage → 26/0.33s Heal → 32.2/s Duration → 10s Radius → 8m
Slow Effect → 20%
Bonus Damage to allies → 25%
FRAG Powers
Bio Ammo → Max ammo increased by 3. Toxic Boost → Ability Cooldown is decreased by 2s.
Features 3.20
April Fool contest
Create your own emote and get a chance to see it in-game, all details here: -> https://www.fragthegame.com/post/april-fools-challenge
Club Workout
The Club Workout issues were fixed and the feature is back!
Earth Day:
During the Season Brawl, The Pit map will receive a visual twist. This will only last for this season and during the Brawl.
The Cosmos Skin Lottery received a visual update.
Other Features:
New bot generation system to prevent bot farming
Game optimization for all devices, preventing some freezes happening during gameplay
Challenge Calendar:
Speed 11.6 → 12
Speed While Shooting 7.8 → 11.6
Main Weapon
Main gun range +15%
Range +10%
Stun 0.5s → 1s
Cooldown 16 → 14s
Queen Unicorn
Health Point +10%
Speed While Shooting → 7.6
Main Weapon
Ammo → 12
Main Weapon
Fire rate → 75
Damage -10%
Cooldown decreased by 5s
FRAG Power
Tankier: Hp increased by 20 → 30%
Morphing Boost: Ability duration is increased by 3 → 6
Rick Rock
Health points increased by 10%
Speed while shooting 7.8 → 11.6
Main Weapon
Base damage +26%
Chain damage now deals half damage of base damage correctly
Radius 3m → 4m
Now deals damage: 41/s at level 9
Speed 10.7 → 11.6
Speed while shooting 8 → 9.07
Main Weapon
Damage +10%
Now can charge up to three times
Speed 11.6
Role changed from Defense to Camp
Main Weapon
Range 30 → 40
Cooldown 12
Health points increased by 10%
Main Weapon
Fire rate 100
Health points increased by 10%
Cooldown: 14.0 → 12.0s
Flying Speed: increase by 20%.
Time interval between stars: 0.3s → 0.5s
Augment swap
Blot: Last stand → Finisher
Oksa: Last stand → Sour gift
Mayra: Hitman → Finisher
Bug Fixes:
Fixed The "Heroes Cup" Seasonal Challenge icon does not load.
Fixed Sparkettes animation in the Advent Calendar moves out of control while scrolling.
Fixed The character Jaw Jaw's special ability has no cooldown when the gauge is not empty.
Fixed Incorrect "Yesterday" numbers displayed for new users inside the Daily Workout challenge.
Fixed The character Inferno's claws appear in weird angles when using the special ability while aiming at the ground.
Fixed Fragging enemies with the some characters inside the Brawl Battle does not drop tickets.
Fixed Tapping the favorite button inside a character info screen while on the weapons or special ability tabs causes the text box to show story text.
That's it for this time, don't forget to join us on our official social media channels!
Discord → https://discord.gg/fragproshooter
Facebook → https://facebook.com/FRAGTheGame
Twitter → https://twitter.com/FRAGProShooter
Instagram → https://instagram.com/stanohbibi
All characters