Everything you need to know about FRAG Vol.3 and upcoming challenges!
New Fragger → Cheryl
Cheryl (level 9): Common
Hitpoints → 451
Damage/Second → 54-67
Speed → 11.6 km/h Speed while shooting → 5.8 km/h Respawn time: 22 s

Main Weapon: Rock and Roll
Grenade launcher loaded with fiery grenades that will burn targets on impact. If Cheryl misses her shot, she will leave a burning zone on the ground for a few seconds.
Ammo → 6
Damage over time (when shots hit) → 32 Damage over time (when shots miss) → 107 Weapon range → 60 m
Base Damage → 60 Reload Time → 2.1 s Fire Rate → 170
Ability: Showtime!
Cheryl throws a fire trail, burning anything in its path while changing her grenade launcher for a flamethrower with unlimited bullets. Gains an extra shield, damage, and movement speed.
Ability Cooldown → 13 s
Duration → 10 m
Slow Effect → x0.2
Max Number → 3
Ammo → ∞
Speed Effect → x1.5
Bonus Health → 235
Base Damage 75
Damage over Time (from the main weapon) → 117
Area of effect damage over time (wave) → 235
Pocket Grenades → Max ammo increased by 2.
Pyromania → Ability cooldown is decreased by 4.
Features 3.6
How to unlock Cheryl:
Cheryl will be easy to unlock for everyone, as she is going to be a reward in several challenges (Seasonal Challenge, Club Wars), complete the missions, and score points to unlock Cheryl and more copies! You won't be able to use Joker Cards and Joker Tablets on Cheryl.
As we are having a new Fragger, Jack 'El Padre' will no longer be event exclusive, this mechanic will continue as we release more characters.
Ability reworks:
Cyber Girl's, Quetza's and O.K's abilities have been reworked! More details are in the balancing section below.
Joker Cards and Joker Tablets adjustments: You can now freely use Joker Cards and Tablets on your characters until they reach level 10. Once a character reaches level 10, these jokers cannot be used on him/her if they have the highest level of your inventory.
Augment Challenge: An augment-only Challenge will begin right when the season starts, don't miss it!

FRAG pass:
Discover the all-new FRAG Pass featuring the awe-inspiring "Rockabilly" skin collection with its distinct visual style. You'll receive several Zaap girl Cards, two never-before-seen Emotes, and a common Joker Tablet.

Queen Boom
BoomBox Damage +20% Homing: on
Noise Barrier Boost! Queen Bomm now gets the same buff as her allies
General Health Point +15%
Beam Max Damage -7% Min Damage +12% Bullet radius 2 → 2.5
Miss Bunny
General Health Point +20% Damage +10%
Bunny Hop! (rework) No more double jumps when using Bunny Hop! Now gets charges that you can stack up to two times. One stack equals one jump.
Cyber Girl
General Min Damage +220% Max Damage +20% Speed While Shooting +68% (5.8 → 9.7) Health Point +15%
Teleport (rework) Cyber Girl can now choose where she wants to teleport: 1st activation: Plant a beacon on the ground 2nd activation: Cyber Girl goes back to where the beacon is planted, ability goes into cooldown The beacon can be destroyed
General Damage +10% Health Point +10%
Static Zone (rework) Heal per second +20% Turret Health Points -20% Enemies in the turret zone will now take +20% Damage O.K will receive an invulnerability shield while spawning his turret
General Health Points +15% Damage +10% Move speed while shooting 10.5
General Damage +20%
Paint Bomb Damage per second +30%
General Health Point +20% Min Damage = Max Damage Damage +30%
General Health Point +10% Min Damage = Max Damage Speed while Shooting 7.8
Dodgeball Homing: on Quetza now has an invulnerability shield while using her ability
General Health Point +25%
FRAG Power 'Icy Veins' → Ability cooldown is decreased 7 → 4
General Max Damage -15% Min Damage +30% Health Point -20%
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Players can no longer complet missions in 2v2 if they don't own or play the character themselves.
Fixed Using character ability at the end of the last stand causes permanent character death.
Fixed The wrong background when a chest opens just after launching the game.
Fixed Items inside the shop overlap sometimes.
Fixed UI elements flicker and glitch out when entering a practice battle against another user.
Fixed The character "Big Paku" has no Christmas skin available.
Fixed Character model inside character info screen overlaps with "Cinema" screen.
Fixed There is no background and ground in Cinematic Mode.
Fixed Undying Augment's stats are missing from the Augment menu.
That's it for this time, don't forget to join us on our official social media channels!
Discord → https://discord.gg/fragproshooter
Facebook → https://facebook.com/FRAGTheGame
Twitter → https://twitter.com/FRAGProShooter
Instagram → https://instagram.com/stanohbibi