Hello, Fraggers! š
We're happy to announce that a new version bringing fixes to some stability and performance issues on iOS is now released.
The new version will be available on the store in a few minutes.
Enjoy and let us know how it goes! š„
P.S. Don't forget that the Halloween event just started today, so go check it out! š»
That's it for this time, don't forget to join us on Discord & on social media!
ā Download FRAG Pro Shooter ā
Discord ā https://discord.gg/2YnJkRf
YouTube ā https://youtube.com/c/FRAGProShooterOfficial
Facebook ā https://facebook.com/FRAGTheGame
Twitter ā https://twitter.com/FRAGProShooter
Instagram ā https://instagram.com/stanohbibi
TikTok ā http://vm.tiktok.com/PBtU4S